Friday, August 24, 2012

Uses of ON and IN when referring date

use of ON when referring date
On is used when the specific date of a month is known.Examples

1.The meeting was conducted on July 6th 2005.
2.The money will be paid to you on August 22nd next year.

use of IN when referring date
In is used when the exact date of the month is not known or you know it but you are not interested in mentioning the exact date you just want to mention the month.

1.The board meeting was conducted in July 2005.(here the date is any date but within the month of July 2005)
2.The money will be paid to you in December 2012.(here the exact day of the month not known or it is known but no need to mention it).
Ni hayo tu kwa leo,one step at a time.
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